-----projects selected-----

PALMWINE IceCREAM Fall/Winter 2025/26

Danny Reinke – F/W 25-26 – 90 Seconds to Midnight

Junoso special at Maximilian Gedra FW25 / Namilia SS25

A Night of Fashion and Music at Misteria 2.0

VUNQUE - street lookbook photoshoot

B.GARDER - street lookbook photoshoot

Berlin Fashion Dream.

nessa - modeltest, model polaroids

Rebekka ruétz F/W 25 – reBRITH

Marcel Ostertag F/W 25 – INSOMNIA

-----archive by categories-----

-----about me-----

Shin Jeong Hoon (berlin, germany)

신정훈 (베를린, 독일)




contact me, i have an offer for you.

Deutsch, 한국어, English

LIFESTYLE SNAP ARCHIVE (mostly for korean brands)


-----price list -----